Once your order ships, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email and tracking number, so you can follow your package as it makes its way to you. However, tracking information can take up to 24 hours to update, so don’t worry if it doesn't show up immediately. We recommend tracking your order and ensuring that you’re home on the day of delivery to receive your order.
Inventory orders are typically shipped the next business day and will be delivered within 1-5 business days. For more information, please check our Shipping and Return Policy.
Unfortunately, we’re unable to cancel your order once it ships.
For the most efficient resolution to obtain the item you desire, we recommend returning the original item. Once your return is approved, we encourage you to proceed with a separate purchase for the new item. For more information, please check our Return & Refund Policy.
We deliver your order straight to your address via FedEx. You’ll receive an email with a tracking number when your order ships, so you can easily track your order. Please ensure that you’re home on the day of delivery to receive your order.
In the unlikely event that you come across any damaged, defective or missing parts, please contact us at support@goblacklyte.com with a photo of the affected area and your order number. Our support specialists will do their best to assist you.
Blacklyte is a game-changer! The fabric is incredibly comfortable, providing a cozy feel even during long gaming sessions. The lumbar support is top-notch, offering excellent support for my lower back, reducing fatigue. The steel base glides smoothly and is floor-friendly. In my opinion, these chairs surpass even Secretlab in comfort and quality, making them a top choice for gamers!!!
5 star for what the object is and does. 3 star for personal reasons. The chair is beautiful. The materials are all high quality. I love the firmness of the seat. The reclining is nice. The wheels glide on my floor like Yuzuru Hanyu. But for me personally, it is not quite the right fit. I have big thighs and um... big bean bags... and the chair is just a bit too narrow for me.
A great, comfortable chair! Bought for my boyfriend, and he loves it for gaming. Beats a regular computer chair with its ability to raise, lower, and move armrests in all directions. Almost like a chair you can nap in!
One of the comfiest chairs I've ever sat in. Heavy-duty hardware and unexpected features like magnetic armrests. Already generated another sale for them!
No odor, the appearance is very good, consistent with the pictures viewed during purchase, and the craftsmanship is classy. In short, it's very good, you can buy with confidence.
Phenomenal experience across the board. Great pricing, fast delivery, and incredibly easy-to-understand instructions for assembly. Definitely continuing to do business with this brand.
Sturdy and excellent quality for a gaming chair in this price range. Extremely comfortable with provided lumbar and neck cushions.
It's surprising to get such a good gaming chair at this price. It reclines and swivels, super convenient.
This is a high-end chair. It just arrived and was installed. Although there was a little incident during the installation, it was perfectly resolved with the patient explanation from customer service. Really like it. Friends passing by can rest assured to buy.
Delighted with my purchase! Assembling everything was a breeze, and the packaging was top-notch. The speedy delivery had all the items at my doorstep within 2-3 days. I'll definitely be a repeat customer and will enthusiastically recommend it to friends and family!
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