Blacklyte Atlas Desk
Blacklyte Atlas Desk
Blacklyte Atlas Desk
Blacklyte Atlas Desk
Blacklyte Atlas Desk
Blacklyte Atlas Desk
Blacklyte Atlas Desk
Blacklyte Atlas Desk
Blacklyte Atlas Desk
Blacklyte Atlas Desk

Blacklyte Atlas Desk

$999.00 USD
$1,499.00 USD
car shipping.png__PID:806ce7ed-6e6b-4301-b7f4-8d7ec743ba41

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3-Year Warranty


30-day money-back guarantee

Blacklyte Altas gaming desk ugc pc 1.png__PID:c0fba2ca-90db-48af-8107-0699f8fc843fBlacklyte Altas gaming desk ugc pc 2.png__PID:a2ca90db-58af-4107-8699-f8fc843f5d41Blacklyte Altas gaming desk ugc pc 3.png__PID:90db58af-0107-4699-b8fc-843f5d41c69aBlacklyte Altas gaming desk ugc pc 4.png__PID:58af0107-0699-48fc-843f-5d41c69a3b80
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Blacklyte Cooperative Brand

Blacklyte is an innovative global brand that embodies a creative lifestyle. Our journey began with a vision to revolutionize entertainment experiences by creating immersive solutions driven by technology.


Your Space, Your Style

The Atlas Desk is a cutting-edge adjustable standing desk that offers an unbeatable immersive entertainment experience.


Steel frame

Integrated keel steel frameDurable and sturdy

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Precision electric height adjustment

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4D armrest

Built-in control panel

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Rear tilt angle

Exclusive desk accessories

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Carefree mode

Durable steel chassis

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Memory sponge

2 custom height presets


Steel frame

Integrated keel steel frame Durable and sturdy



Enlarged and widened aluminum alloy feet Ton level load-bearing capacity


4D armrest

4D metal armrestComfortable support


Rear tilt angle

90-168 ° infinite rear centerComprehensive support


Carefree mode

1-14 ° Xiaoyao Fill up status


Memory sponge

High elasticity memory cotton seat bag Comfortable and not collapsing

Magnetic Gaming Desk

Our gaming desk features a magnetic iron-clad density board, supporting attachments like magnetic cable organizers, desk mats and mouse pads for a tidy setup.

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Adjustable 4D Armrests

Elevate your experience with 4D armrests, adjustable for any scenario. Move them 1.77 inches forward or backward, 0.31 inches side to side, raise up to 2.95 inches, and rotate 15° for optimal comfort and enduring gameplay without fatigue.

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Effortless Magnetic Corner Light for Immersive Experience

The Atlas desk features a magnetic corner light with easy installation, offering an immersive experience with built-in RGB LEDs. Its collision-proof design ensures safety and durability, enhancing both functionality and style in your gaming space.

Wire Wrangler Tray

Bid farewell to cable chaos as you seamlessly guide all your wires into the Wire Wrangler Tray. This innovative tray also incorporates a power supply, providing a convenient hub to plug in your devices. That's the epitome of innovation!

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Glide Smoothy Base On A Reinforced

Reinforced Adc12 Aluminum Wheelbase. Constructed For Unmatched Strength And Durability. We’ve Tuned It For The Perfect Weight Balance And Reinforced It With Additional Ribs And Gussets For Improved Structural Integrity.

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Single Concealed Power Supply Column

The built-in power system of the Atlas Desk discreetly employs a sole hidden cable running through the desk leg, connecting seamlessly to an internal electrical socket. This setup empowers both your desk and devices simultaneously.

Frequently Asked Questions

Product Details

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Parameter Introduction

  • imensions (LWH):
  • Column Tube Size and Wall Thickness:
  • Frame Size and Wall Thickness:
  • Base Size:
  • Motor Noise Level:
  • Input Voltage:
  • Output Voltage:
  • Weight (Gross Total):
  • Hand Controller:
  • Column Packaging Dimensions:
  • Tabletop Packaging Dimensions:
  • Load Capacity:
  • Communication:
  • 59.06" x 27.56" x 28.35"-53.94"
  • 3.74" x 2.56" x 0.06"
  • 58.9" x 22.28" x 2.87" x 0.08"
  • 27.56" x 3.15" x 0.79" x 0.20"
  • <48 decibels
  • 100-120V 50/60HZ, 350W
  • 30V-5A, 36V-1.8A
  • 106.92 lbs (tabletop) + 62.83 lbs (columns)
  • 2 memory settings, with digital display
  • 37.17" x 16.69" x 5.63"
  • 66.46" x 32.2" x 8.66"
  • ≤125 kg (≤275.58 lbs)
  • WiFi + Bluetooth